
Mumble is an open source, low latency and high quality voice chat software, being the best open source alternative to TeamSpeak. VoIP communications are mandatory encrypted by default using OCB-AES128, it has integrations for gamers (like overlays), it’s stable and it’s resource friendly.

The server can also be run behind Tor without any issue.


Mumble has a Debian repository for client and server, however it’s very outdated so we are going to build the server instead.

I suggest to build both binaries on your local machine and transfer the mumble-server to your remote server using spc.

Install dependencies:

apt install build-essential cmake pkg-config qtbase5-dev qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libqt5svg5-dev libboost-dev libssl-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libprotoc-dev libcap-dev libxi-dev libasound2-dev libogg-dev libsndfile1-dev libspeechd-dev libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev libxcb-xinerama0 libzeroc-ice-dev libpoco-dev g++-multilib

Git clone the repo.

git clone && cd mumble

Initialize all the submodules.

git submodule update --init

Create a build directory and run cmake. Cmake will create all the necessary files to build the mumble-server and client.

mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..

Build using cmake.


After the build you will now find a file named mumble-server, one mumble (which is the client) and a file named mumble-server.ini (aka the config file).

Running your Mumble server

If you built it on local machine you can check out how to move it to your remote server first.

After that, start with making your mumble-server executable and move it in /usr/bin.

chmod +x mumble-server && mv mumble-server /usr/bin

Create a folder in /etc/ move your config files there.

mkdir /etc/mumble && mv mumble-server.ini /etc/mumble

Now we can run the server passing the config and a superuser password that can be used to connect and authenticate as an administrator from any client

mumble-server -ini mumble-server.ini -supw <your_password>

Check if it’s running in the backgroud with ps aux.

ps aux | grep mumble-server

You will have an output like this.

root   127181  0.1  0.1 261064 21640 ?        Sl   19:18   0:01 ./mumble-server
root   127689  0.0  0.1 112956 22572 ?        Sl   19:19   0:00 ./mumble-server

Connecting to your mumble-server as a SuperUser

You will probably will be left with your mumble binary in the build folder on your local machine.

Now you should make it executable and move it in the /usr/bin folder.

chmod +x mumble && mv mumble /usr/bin

Run it the GUI with one command.


You will have something like this opening up.

connect window

Click on the button Add New... and fill out the information need to connect to your server.

add server window

If you haven’t edited the port, 64738 will be default one.

Click on Ok, select your server from the list and click Connect.

Now you are connected to your very own Mumble server as a SuperUser!


Move binary with scp

Move your binary to the folder ~ of your remote server.

scp <your_binary> root@<your_server_ip>:~

Written by NotMtth (Tor access warning)

Donate Monero at: (OpenAlias)